Wednesday, August 17, 2022

In reality

In reality, they just run away from themselves, run away from feelings, run away from confrontation, but everything catches up ...

Menschen, die dich wirklich lieben, denen du wirklich wichtig bist, gehen mit deiner Seele so um, als wäre es ihre eigene. Sie lassen dich niemals im Stich. Nur die sind es, die im Leben wirklich zählen.

People who really love you, who really care about you, treat your soul as if it was their own. They never let you down. Those are the only ones who truly count in life.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

True Love (original song)

I wrote this song together with one of my best friends. She has a beautiful voice and I couldn't have found anyone better for it. We put all our love into this song and hope you like it. 💙

Keyboard: Me

Text: Her and me

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Spiritual Connection

 I'm grateful for sharing this beautiful spiritual connection with you,

it feels like home, a feeling that I've missed for a long time,

this deep love which connects us gives me hope and faith,

feeling your love gives me a smile on my face.

I'd have never thought that such a deep love and connection exists,

until I experienced it.
